
Cluster Development Program

Website write up

Cluster development is a 360-degree transformation-oriented initiative from TNAPEx.  It is a strategic approach that brings together farmers, investors, traders, input suppliers, marketing agencies, government agencies and other supporters to accelerate sustainable growth and competitiveness within a specific geographical area for a specific crop.  In Tamil Nadu, these clusters are being carefully crafted around the state's abundant agricultural, horticultural and marine resources.  The framework helps enterprises deliver value to the end customer cumulatively. The existing Theni Banana Cluster and the proposed Pollachi Coconut Cluster, supported by the National Horticulture Board are fine examples of the inclusive initiative.



Benefits of Clusters Over Individual Food Processing Units


  • Triggers healthy business competitions in a defined geography
  • Acts as an incubator for innovations and best practices
  • Facilitates rapid infrastructure development for enhanced connectivity
  • Helps enterprises gain access to skilled manpower pools through skill development 
  • Promotes a culture of environmental responsibility by encouraging green practices


Theni Banana Cluster


Theni Banana Cluster is one of the 55 horticulture clusters identified by MoA & FW for pilot launch of the cluster development program (CDP) and TNAPEx is the Cluster Development Agency (CDA).  The different verticals identified as part of the value chain of the cluster span the following:


     Pre-production and Production: Supports capacity-building of farmers and farm proximate interventions. It spans the crop life-cycle, right from planting through crop-care practices, farm mechanization and harvest of the crop.


     Post-Harvest Management & Value Addition: Supports interventions at the cluster level, from post-harvest handling of crop to storage, value addition and packaging.


     Logistics, Marketing & Branding: Supports deployment of sales channels to link cluster produce with consumption markets and spans cluster branding for visibility in the domestic and export markets.


Whether you're a farmer looking to enhance your productivity, a seafood exporter seeking new markets, or an investor eyeing lucrative opportunity, TNAPEx invites you to be a part of its cluster development journey. Together, let's unlock the full potential of Tamil Nadu's agricultural, horticultural and marine sectors, shaping a future of all connected.